“A room should never allow the eye to settle in one place. It should smile at you and create fantasy.” – Juan Montoya Livingroom is the cozy place, where we spend our valuable time in our thoughts, with the loved ones or with friends. We understand that and always aim to make this place for you to a space of joy and for eye and soul.

We spend on average 229,961 hours on sleep in our lives. These are more then 26 years of sleeping… That is why not only the bed we are sleeping on, but the whole space we are spending so much time at should be a place of joy for our eyes and comfort for our body and soul. ALP creates for you dream bedrooms (in residential and commercial sectors), where you will want to spend even more time.

Color is a powerful factor that influences the psyche and general daily performance. It is important to understand what effect each color has. There are some general ideas about the influence of colors on the human psyche. For example: RED – fills you with more energy, gives a feeling of warmth. ORANGE – improves the mood and also brain work BLUE – calms you down, make you sleep better WHITE – gives the feeling of freshness & perfection, eliminates fears and anxiety

What is your favorite color?